Spark a Flame

Sunday June 28, 2009

The election of Barrack Obama sparked celebrations around the world, in Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, Australia, even Antarctica and, of course, throughout the United States.

Anticipation is keen. Expectations are high. Hope is sincere. But, one man cannot do it alone. The President will need help. Each of us, all of us must carry the torch if we expect real and lasting change. It begins with the person in the mirror.

Living With The Law, a monthly publication for ordinary people is designed to give voice and vote to the voiceless and those whose views often do not count. To help further the ideals and goals of this very special man, President Obama, Living With The Law is encouraging each individual who reads these words to make a commitment to do at least one kind thing every day. Men should open doors for other men. Drivers should yield to other drivers and especially to pedestrians. Women should also do the unconventional. And all of us should smile when passing another. No one should be a stranger.

When a kind thing is done, each of us should say to the other, “Yes we can,” an acknowledgement that we stand with the President, that we are dedicated to helping him in this most difficult task, that when times are tough and the burdens heavy, we will steadfastly stand for change. If unable to say those words within hearing distance of the person who has provided the kind deed, give the “Yes we can” sign that can be found on the Living With The Law Website.

Each month the Editors of Living With The Law may select a person, recommended by our readers, who most exemplifies the spirit of this people movement, by awarding $50 to the one deemed worthy by the editors based upon your suggestions, during the prior month, of those who deserve a reward.

The criteria for the Award, the “Yes we can” hand sign, the process for recommending a recipient and the process for voting each month can be found at the Website, Change can and will come. But it will only come if each of us does our part. Please begin by passing this message on to at least ten of your friends or family.

Yes we can.

Our December Model of the Month – KEESHA S. WILLIAMS

Keesha S. Williams

Examples of Articles – Inside the Members’ Area

Johnny Barnes
  • Tenants and Foreclosure
  • Tenants Beware of Consent Judgments
  • Warranties and Guaranties
  • Wills and Estates
  • Rules of the Road, Parts II and III
  • Environmental Energy Law
  • Environmental Land Use Law
Become a member today!


Living With The Law
Washington, DC

Attorney Johnny Barnes

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